Monday, June 29, 2015

Religion Vs Freedoms

Earlier I posted about my desire to protect my freedoms as well as the freedoms of others. In saying that, let me be clear that although I believe in protecting everyone's freedoms I also have my beliefs of what is right and what is wrong. A sin is a sin. Just because I believe others have the right to live according to the dictates of their own conscious, it does not mean I agree with their lifestyle. In matters of religion, I am firm on my beliefs of what is right and what is a sin. However in saying that, I am a firm believer in loving people, not their sins.

For example, I love my children very much. When my (almost) four year old does something wrong, I still love her. I want her to know that I love her so much, even when she is naughty. Just because I love her, that does not mean that I continue to allow her to repeat the naughty behavior. She must have a time out or whatever she needs to do to correct the behavior.

Here is another example. My one year old likes to hit. She can not be put in time out. She does not yet understand. On one hand, I want her to know that I love her no matter what. On the other hand I don't want her to grow up thinking it is okay to hit people. I don't want her to think that the naughty behavior is acceptable. So, when she does hit, I say "soft touches" and I take her hand and show her how to stroke my face gently. Then I give her a chance to show soft touches. The results are not immediate. She is still learning but eventually she will get it. In the meantime I will continue to teach.

Now, when I come across an individual who lives a different lifestyle than my own, or one that I think is a sin, I still want that person to know that I love him/her as an individual; a child of God. Due to my determination to keep my freedom or religion, I also believe others have their right to worship (or not worship) they way they feel is best for them. I am not going to tell them they are sinning or that they must repent. I am not going to try to correct their behavior. That is not my place. They are not my children. Now, if they ask me about my beliefs, that is a totally different story. I will not lie. I will not say that I believe what they are doing is not a sin.

My accepting of others and protecting the freedoms of everyone does not mean I am accepting of sin.

                                   Love heart by MLBPROD

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