Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Removing Children From One or Both Biological Parents

So, I have heard many different arguments for and against same-sex marriage. Twice now, I've read that a result of same-sex marriage is that children are removed from one or both of their biological parents.

Really? Wow. That sounds like children are being taken away from their very own loving married heterosexual parents and given to a homosexual couple.

UM, that is not the way ADOPTION works.

I have too many friends and family members who were unable to have children of their own. Couples who tried for years to have their own children. OR couples who were told by their doctor to stop having babies or the mother WOULD die and yet, they knew they were not finished growing their family.

These loving heterosexual married couples were able to grow their families through adoption. There are many reasons why a mother makes the heart wrenching decision to give up her baby for adoption. 60 years ago unwed women were FORCED and PRESSURED to give up their children for adoption. But that is not how it works today. In a world of "babies" having babies, teenage pregnancies, and unwed mothers can you really give the impression that children are being "removed from one or both biological parents?" In my opinion, that argument is actually against adoption. Sure, technically in adoption a child is removed from his/her biological parents but the child isn't taken away, ripped away from his/her parents' loving arms. The child is given to a loving couple in order to provide that child the best circumstances is life; a life with a mother and a father (for arguments sake, we could even say two loving parents. . . or even one, single parents can even adopt).

There are many reasons why a mother decides to give up a baby for adoption. I have not done the research, I don't know all the reasons, I could look it up, if you know the answer, you could tell me, but I really, truly believe that MOST babies given up for adoption are given up by young unwed mothers who decide that they are too young to be a mother and want to bless the life of a family who is not able to have children of their own. That is not selfish, it is a selfless sacrifice, one the adoptive family treasures forever.

So when someone says same-sex marriage is wrong because children are  removed from biological parents, I actually think they are also saying that adoption is wrong. . . and let me tell you, MANY children's lives have been blessed because they were adopted into a LOVING family.

When done correctly, adoption is a blessing.

Smiling Family Clip Art

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