Who Should I Vote For?

So here's the thing. Every election, I look up the different candidates and do my research. Then I forget where my files are or I don't want to go through all the files. So, I thought perhaps if I created a blog I could just put all the information there, and each candidate would get their own page. Then I realized that would be a lot of pages and didn't feel like creating a blog anyway. So, I decided that I would just create a page on a blog I already had.

Now, I try to be objective when I look up information on the candidates. However, this is my blog and I admit right now that I might be bias. Be that as it may, I am sharing my findings with the world wide web so anyone can use this information to help them decide who they want to vote for. Keep in mind, I am primarily doing this for myself but I am also trying to be objective. I also like to be very brief. I am posting links so if you want to read more, you can. (I also do lots of copying and pasting in order to save time)

Also, I tend to start my research but never finish. At least everything will now be in one place.

This is also a work in process. Whenever I have time to look up candidates I will update this page.

So here it goes. Eventually, I will be putting all the candidates that I am researching in alphabetical order by last name :-)

2020 Arizona Primary Elections August 4, 2020

US Senator

Martha McSally
http://www.mcsallyforsenate.com https://www.facebook.com/MarthaMcSallyLove her quote on the website “THERE’S ALWAYS MORE THAT UNITES US THAN DIVIDES US.” -Martha McSally  - does not want to defund police - wants Communist China to be held responsible for COVID-19 - does lots of charity work - keep citizens right to choose own doctors 

Daniel "Demand Daniel" McCarthy
https://demanddaniel.com  https://www.facebook.com/DemandDanielAZ - demand Daniel - anti lock down, believes America is being lied to - pro border wall - has lots of demands for the senate - anti department of education - calls schools indoctrination centers for socialism - pro life - anti political correctness - pro free market health care - anti Doug Ducey - bribed McSally for a debate

US Representative

David Schweikert

2016 Presidential Elections - I'm not happy with the 2 main choices - I'm voting with my conscience and not with the lesser of the two evils. Here are some of the other candidates (and my opinion of each). I've included links for each candidate so you can make your own opinions.

AZ Write in Candidates
AZ Secretary of State website
Sample Ballot

Bob Buchanan - He's ok. Better than Trump and Hilary.
Willie Felix Carter -
Michael Corsetti -
Mike Smith -
Cherunda Lynn Fox -
Benjamin "Ben" Hartnell -
Thomas Conrad "Tom" Hoefling -
Mitchell In-Albon - interesting website but have no idea why I should vote for him
Laurence J. "Larry" Kotlikoff (Campaign Website)
Marshall Roy Schoenke - interesting. . . foreign policy: "outlaw war" Ummmm, how?
Michael Lynn "Mike" Smith
Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente Guerra
Darrell Lane Castle

AZ August 2016 elections
AZ 2016 August Elections

John McCain
  • Pro second amendment, pro prevent criminals and the judicially-declared mentally ill from obtaining firearms
  • Spending cuts, tax reform and entitlement reform, does not believe the country can tax its way to prosperity, lower both personal and corporate tax rates, eliminate tax loopholes, responsible federal budgeting 
  • judiciary branch - interpret the Constitution and laws created by Congress, not become activist, misconstrue legislative intent, or create their own laws. - protect the innocent, and punishes those who break the law. - first responder professionals have the resources and tools they need to keep our neighborhoods safe. - federal, state and local prosecutors have all the necessary resources to prosecute criminals successfully
  • improve the readiness of our military - maintain the United States Armed Forces as the world’s best trained and equipped fighting force - service members have the authorities, leadership, training, equipment, and resources they need to successfully achieve their missions and return home safely - provide for the common defense
  • invest in highways - opposes earmarks and wasteful projects
  • helps veterans receive hundreds of thousands of dollars-worth of benefits and retroactive benefits payments
  • consumers to increase the availability of communications services to all American households - a free and open internet works - not the responsibility of any government to regulate it - opposes  the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC), which gives the FCC new regulatory authority over the internet. - keeping the internet access free from federal taxes.
  • Education - supports education programs that have a proven track record of increasing student aptitude, rewarding good teachers and providing viable options that give students the greatest opportunity to succeed
  • Securing American citizens against threats - securing our nation’s borders - have an immigration system that works - preventing terrorists - maintaining a robust immigration system that welcomes the best and brightest in the world.
  • obligation to Native Americans - support the principals of tribal sovereignty and Indian self-governance and self-determination.
  • repeal and replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for a more financially responsible option
  • foreign policy that enables our nation to defend against global security threats
  • by harnessing the transformational forces of the free market to bring about change efficiently and effectively, the United States can achieve energy independence. - land and water resources, must be preserved but not made inaccessible by the federal government.

Alex Meluskey

  • Entitlement Reform - save Social Security and Medicare
  • Judicial Nominations - We need prudent judges who use the constitution as a guide and not a “living, breathing” excuse to fundamentally transform our Republic.
  •  War On Islamic Jihad - It is our moral imperative to lead the world against the inhumane and evil practices of the Islamic Jihad movement. They must be found, prosecuted, and destroyed - take action - not war.
  • Border And Entry Point Security - secure the border and all points of entry immediately - build the fence, use drones and biometrics, and any other tools the U.S. Border Patrol and ICE feel necessary
  • Missile Defense - a strong missile defense shield is critical - secure the grid from EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) attack
  • Latin America - stand against the human rights violations of the Cuban, Venezuelan, and Nicaraguan communist governments - push for more free trade agreements
  • Energy Policy - get the government out of the free-market - open the Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve for exploration, build Keystone XL, unleash fracking, free the coal industry allow the free-market to take care of the rest
  • The War On Global Jihadists - we should never be afraid to confront evil - our moral imperative to lead the world against the inhumane and evil practices of the Islamic Jihad movement. They must be found, prosecuted, and destroyed.

Clair Van Steenwyk
  • Agenda 21 / North American Union

  • Radical Islams’ War Against America
  • Secure Veterans Benefits
  • Illegal Aliens Securing Borders & Merit Immigration Reform
  • Protecting the Second Amendment
  • US Foreign Policy
  • Repeal & Replace Obama Care / ACA
  • Government & Tax Reform
  • Education
  • AZ & Western States Land Restoration
        - return all Social Security monies back into a Trust
        - no more funding the general fund with retirement monies 
        - Only those who’ve paid in are entitled for benefits to include their spouses, this will include any who entered Legally and stayed Legally, not any who entered illegally will qualify - The Medicare Plan must be changed so that they can negotiate pricing of all Drugs to get the best costs possible to stop over paying - change the retirement age from 62 for partial to 65 and leave 67 for full benefits - privatize Social Security - require everyone below the age of 45 to begin to pay into a private account, such as a ROTH IRA, with their employers’ matching contributions – 
when a child is born, give the child a birth certificate, an electronic medical record, and a health savings account supplement with a Major Medical Ins. Policy, plus a Roth for Retirement to which money can be contributed—pretax—from the time you’re born ’til the time you die. When you die, you can pass it on to your family members, and there’s nobody talking about death panels. We can make contributions for people who are indigent

Kelli Ward

Russ Wittenberg

  • Pr

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