Sunday, June 30, 2013


I did not want my daughter to watch television until after she was 2 years old.  That is very difficult to do and I failed.  It is so hard because I know she learns so much from the educational shows she watches.  She learned how to get dressed by watching Sesame Street (the same episode a dozen times).  She is recognizing her letters thanks to Super Why!

So, I have decided to limit her television watching to 30-60 minutes a day.  However, sometimes it ends up being longer and other times it has been a babysitter while I try to fill out a job application on line.  UGH, things I never wanted to do.

Sometimes I wish I could get paid to be a stay at home mom.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Still Alice

Have you read Still Alice?  Great Books Worth Reading gives a great review about it.  I think about this book a lot because I wonder what if I will go through any similar experiences if I end up developing Alzheimer's Disease.  Check out the review:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How awesome is that!

Wow.  Paparazzi Accessories is so amazing.  Look at what Low Cost Styles wrote about how one customer was able to start wearing jewelry again, thanks to Paparazzi.  $5.00 jewelry and accessories, how great is that?  Click on the link to learn more.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Child Safety

It is so sad when tragedy strikes.  Thank you Arizona Childproofers for helping to keep our children safe, in and outside of the house.  This is such a sad story which could have been prevented with a simple fix with Arizona Childproofers:  It's an old news article but it is still a relevant issue.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Awesome Job Opportunity

Wow!  Low-CostStyles is offering an awesome opportunity in the month of June 2013.  Time is running out. If you are interested contact  Check out this link to find out more!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Stay At Home Mom

So I've been reading about some stay at home moms who regret staying home with their kids.  I know being home all day with your kids isn't for everyone, so if it isn't your cup of tea, I recommend finding some part time work to do in or out of the home to help you cope.  It's like the sign in my mom's house says, "If Mama ain't happy, nobody is happy."

I, on the other hand, hate having to work out of the home.  It is necessary and I dread it.  I want to be the one who raises my daughter, not other people.  Now, I am finding myself struggling with trying to make money from home.  I spend all this time working and networking and job searching that, although I am home, I feel like I am still neglecting her.

I know it can be done.  I can find a way to make a living from home and still give the attention my daughter, husband, and housework require.  I know there is an adjustment period.  I am just afraid time will run out and I'll end up working out of the home again and all this time I've spent at home trying to make a living could have been spent being with her and being a better housekeeper.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Article About Playing With Infants

Did you read this article about some great things to do with your infant?

See the tab to the right to read more early childhood articles.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Look at this headband and clip bought from Paparazzi.  Doesn't it just complete the outfit?  It is so affordable, too.  (Less than $10 for the headband and clip).  Thanks for sharing, Low Cost Styles!  Click the link to see the adorable photograph!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Free and Reduced Lunches

I believe in helping children. . . I really do.  I also believe in TEACHING children.  The problem I have seen with free and reduced lunches is that students begin to take things for granted.  When students get something for nothing the fail to see the value of the product.  Many people wonder what is wrong with education today.  Well, one of those things is that the students have no motivation to do well in school.  Well at least in the lower economic areas, what are the students learning?  If they don't get a job, they will get free food (food stamps) and free health care (can't turn people away).  Free and reduced lunch just gives them a preview of that.  What about parent responsibility?  What is motivating those parents to take care of their children?  They don't have to, the schools are providing their breakfasts and lunches.  

Now, I know there are families that are really struggling to provide for their family and they are really trying to do all they can but they just can't make ends meet.  In those cases, free and reduced lunches, free breakfasts, food stamps, and free health care are very helpful for those families until they can finally get ahead.  The problem is that those programs reward people who aren't doing their fair share in society and punishing those who are doing all they can and more.  

I just feel like there needs to be more accountability.  I read a historical fiction book that took place during WWII.  A boy was attending a private school but his parents couldn't afford the tuition.  The boy received a scholarship from the institution so he could attend.  Part of that scholarship he was he was to help in the cafeteria during lunch.  In other words, he had to work for that scholarship.  Now, I have mentioned that to others and they said that it wasn't fair that the student had to suffer because the parents couldn't afford the tuition.  Well, the boy in the story didn't really complain about it.  In fact, in my opinion, it taught the boy the value of a good education.  He was going to value his education because he had to work for it.  He wasn't going to slack off on his school work.  

I just feel there needs to be more accountability for the students and the parents.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wouldn't that be nice?

When a Teacher Gets Pregnant shared this really cute story.  Check it out:

Let me tell you, it would be so nice if someone would just pay me to stay at home and raise my little girl.  This 8th grade boy had it right.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Finding a way to exercise

With all the technology we have out and with all the demands we have on our time, sometimes it is difficult to find the time to exercise.  Something always seems to take priority over exercising.  What do you do to keep in shape?

Here are things I like to do:

1) Take a walk with my daughter, she loves the out doors.  She also loves her stroller.  So when she is done with her walk, I push her in the stroller for about a mile.

2) When I watch a show, I try to bring out my step and do some step aerobics.

Well, those are just two of the things I am currently trying to do.

Read the interesting article posted on Low Cost Style's blog.