Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Fourth of July

Independence Day!

We live in a great country.  We have so many freedoms.  I am so grateful for those men and women who have fought for our country, our rights, and our freedoms.  Now it is up to all of us to do our part to keep those freedoms alive.  Keep it for ourselves and keep it for others.  

We want everyone to be happy and safe.  Rules and laws help keep everyone safe and the only way that can happen is if we all follow those laws.  It saddens me when I hear of people abusing our freedoms.  Our right to bear arms does not give us the right to harm others just because things don't go our way.  

In the preamble to the constitution it states that one of the reasons for writing the constitution is to insure domestic tranquility to ourselves and our posterity.  What does that mean?  Well, I have the right to feel safe in my environment, my community.  So do you.  We all do.  So we need to allow others that same freedom.  We need to help others feel safe and at peace in their own environment.  Yes, you have a right to have a party in your home.  I have the right to have a party in my home.  We all do.  But I also have the right to a nice, peaceful night's sleep. So do you.  Everyone does.  So that means I need to make sure that my party does not disturb your right to a safe, peaceful night's sleep and vice versa.  That is the beauty of that part of the constitution.  We all have rights and we all need to help protect the rights of others.  If we can do that we will protect not only our freedoms, but the freedom of everyone.  

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