Friday, December 8, 2023

Back to Basics ABC 123: Shape Quiz

Back to Basics ABC 123: Shape Quiz: Shape Quiz This is a very simple yet effective quiz on shapes. It shows 10 shapes. Students have to name the shape and tell how many sides a...

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Snow White

So a while ago I wrote a post about The Little Mermaid but I never finished writing it and so it is in my drafts. Eventually, I will finish it.

Today I want to write about Snow White. I am a huge Disney fan, or at least I was a huge Disney fan. They're live action remakes and their lack of being able to produce new wholesome content is turning me off from them. 

When Walt Disney was alive he had high values and held his employees to those same high standards. The Walt Disney Company today is disrespecting Walt Disney's legacy.

So I, like so many others, am extremely disappointed with the negative comments made toward the 1937 Disney Classic, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. There are so many times I just want to say, "The Prince was not a stalker" and "The seven dwarves did not live in a cave."

Many people have already spoken about this topic. I don't need to repeat what has already been said. 

What I want to talk about is the Daily Wire's version of Snow White that they are making. "Snow White and the Evil Queen." One of the things they have claimed is that they are sticking to the original content from the Brothers Grim. This made me realize I had never read the original. But in reality, I think I did, decades ago. But it was worth reading again because I couldn't remember the exact story.

I found the story online and read it. To be honest, I laughed when I read the story. First of all, I thought the original Disney classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarves did a very good job adapting the original story making the necessary changes and keeping true to the story. Due to the fact the movie was intended to be a family movie, I am so glad that Disney omitted the part where the queen eats what she thinks is the lungs and liver of Snow White.

When the Daily Wire says they are keeping true to the original text, I'm not sure I really believe that. Will they include the part where the queen eats what she thinks is Snow White's lungs and liver? They say they are including, "true love" in their movie but the "love story" is a love at first sight and marrying right away type of movie. Given the fact it was written in the early 1800s most people didn't really marry for love - it was more for status and political alliances and such. Don't get me wrong, people did marry for love, but for many, many years that was the exception, not the rule (i.e. Fiddler on the Roof) - especially for the ruling class - and men of high ranking usually married whom ever they liked and solely based on their wealth, they were rarely turned down - the women wanted to be well provided for (i.e. Pride and Prejudice).

If a movie was made today following the text exactly, it wouldn't be a classic. The prince doesn't awaken Snow White with loves true kiss. Nope, the poisoned piece of apple gets dislodged in her throat and she was revived. 

Now we all know the quote about how the "original" was written in 1937 and that the prince was a "stalker." Well, the original was in 1812/1819 and that prince is more of a stalker than the 1937 Disney version, especially the 1812 version - the 1819 version was toned down a bit... a bit.

Anyway, I am all about the prince saving the princess and love's first kiss and living happily ever after. No, that it is not real life. It is pure fantasy. But isn't that why we go to the movies? To leave the real world for a bit and experience a bit of fantasy? 

That's what I want. . . Where's my Mr. Darcy? I'll even settle for a Colonel Brandon. Most women want to be swept off their feet. (okay not those so called "feminists" but those who embrace their femininity do - you can read my article about femininity for more info about that.)

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Back to Basics ABC 123: The Writing Process Posters

Back to Basics ABC 123: The Writing Process Posters:  I love teaching. It is one of my most favorite things to do. I love trying to make a challenging subject simple to understand. The writing ...

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Paper Pie and Kristal: Sparking the Imagination

Paper Pie and Kristal: Sparking the Imagination: Reading chapter books sparks the imagination. source: Brand Partner and St...

Friday, September 8, 2023

Back to Basics ABC 123: Kindergarten Lessons for Common Core Writing Stand...

Back to Basics ABC 123: Kindergarten Lessons for Common Core Writing Stand...: 🖉  📓  🖉  📓  🖉  📓  🖉  📓  🖉  📓      Kindergarten Lessons for Common Core Writing Standards This is one of my popular lessons on my t...

Friday, September 1, 2023

Saturday, August 26, 2023


 I love it when I feel like I have a productive day!

Saturdays are usually so busy with trying to jam everything into the day that I never feel like can accomplish anything at all.

I have made myself a new kind of checklist. It seems to be working for me. I got behind this week on my list but today I was able to get caught up. It is wonderful because I was still able to do other things that were not on my list and so I feel as though was very successful.

I still have way too many things that need to get done, but I have a sense of accomplishment and that strengthens me! 

Thanks to and penClipart-Vectors for the use of the picture.

Friday, August 11, 2023

What did I do????

I have never intended my OPINIONS to spam anyone. I definitely don't support praise of terrorism, organized crime, or hate groups. I most definitely don't solicit sexual services nor do I sell firearms or drugs.

Apparently, I have worded something in such a way that the powers that be over at META or their "AI" have deemed to be inappropriate - I don't know, maybe it is because I am not a far left extremists in my views. 

Anyway, I'd like to first of apologize for EVER unintentionally causing harm to anyone for expressing my opinions and PLEASE help me understand what I said or did to be deemed inappropriate. 

I thought we lived in the United States of America where we had the freedom of speech. I'm liking X (aka Twitter) more and more now, thanks Elon Musk.

I try to be as respectful on line as I am in person and if it ever comes across differently, I'd like to know how I could have worded it differently so that I will know for next time.

But truly, what could I have said differently to not have triggered those "AI" bots searching for things that go against their community standards???


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Apparently I am very naive

Help! Apparently I am very naive. What on earth am I doing on this blog that would so offensive, Facebook won't let me share a post from it.

Background - I am trying to post something I put on my blog on 7-13-23 on my business page Paperpieandkristal

Apparently I have done something that prevents me from posting it but I don't know what. Please, someone let me know what I did that was so terrible that it goes against Facebook Community Standards

I can't post this to Facebook because it doesn't like so I am writing this post on my Random Bits of Everything blog and hoping I can post that to Facebook.

I was commenting on my post - that actually got posted - and then I got a message from Facebook saying that I was commenting on a post that was removed by the user but it was actually deleted by Facebook and I don't know why!!

I really don't like Meta!

I was not misrepresenting who I am or what I'm doing, I was not threatening anyone, I was not degrading others. I was just posting something about the cognitive advantages of coloring!

I thought I was done with Facebook before, but now.... I know I can't fully avoid it, but you can be sure I am going to be using it a LOT LESS now!

Friday, July 28, 2023

Paper Pie and Kristal: Fictional books

Paper Pie and Kristal: Fictional books: Fiction books play a crucial role in the development and enrichment of children's lives. Here are some key reasons why fiction books are...