Saturday, August 26, 2023


 I love it when I feel like I have a productive day!

Saturdays are usually so busy with trying to jam everything into the day that I never feel like can accomplish anything at all.

I have made myself a new kind of checklist. It seems to be working for me. I got behind this week on my list but today I was able to get caught up. It is wonderful because I was still able to do other things that were not on my list and so I feel as though was very successful.

I still have way too many things that need to get done, but I have a sense of accomplishment and that strengthens me! 

Thanks to and penClipart-Vectors for the use of the picture.

Friday, August 11, 2023

What did I do????

I have never intended my OPINIONS to spam anyone. I definitely don't support praise of terrorism, organized crime, or hate groups. I most definitely don't solicit sexual services nor do I sell firearms or drugs.

Apparently, I have worded something in such a way that the powers that be over at META or their "AI" have deemed to be inappropriate - I don't know, maybe it is because I am not a far left extremists in my views. 

Anyway, I'd like to first of apologize for EVER unintentionally causing harm to anyone for expressing my opinions and PLEASE help me understand what I said or did to be deemed inappropriate. 

I thought we lived in the United States of America where we had the freedom of speech. I'm liking X (aka Twitter) more and more now, thanks Elon Musk.

I try to be as respectful on line as I am in person and if it ever comes across differently, I'd like to know how I could have worded it differently so that I will know for next time.

But truly, what could I have said differently to not have triggered those "AI" bots searching for things that go against their community standards???


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Apparently I am very naive

Help! Apparently I am very naive. What on earth am I doing on this blog that would so offensive, Facebook won't let me share a post from it.

Background - I am trying to post something I put on my blog on 7-13-23 on my business page Paperpieandkristal

Apparently I have done something that prevents me from posting it but I don't know what. Please, someone let me know what I did that was so terrible that it goes against Facebook Community Standards

I can't post this to Facebook because it doesn't like so I am writing this post on my Random Bits of Everything blog and hoping I can post that to Facebook.

I was commenting on my post - that actually got posted - and then I got a message from Facebook saying that I was commenting on a post that was removed by the user but it was actually deleted by Facebook and I don't know why!!

I really don't like Meta!

I was not misrepresenting who I am or what I'm doing, I was not threatening anyone, I was not degrading others. I was just posting something about the cognitive advantages of coloring!

I thought I was done with Facebook before, but now.... I know I can't fully avoid it, but you can be sure I am going to be using it a LOT LESS now!