Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Human Race

I understand Affirmative Action. I just don't believe it is necessary. If we truly believe race doesn't matter, why do we have to indicate our race on everything.

I get that there are groups of people who get discriminated against. I understand that Affirmative Action was the governments way of fixing that problem. seriously though, when did the government ever come up with a good solution. Personally, I'd rather get hired based on my qualifications than the fact that my employer just needed to hire more women. Now, I can see if a company had a difficult time choosing between two candidates who are equally qualified, then I could see how affirmative action could help with that decision, but I don't think it is necessary.

Now, I know a lot of people are prepared to tell me how I am wrong and we need Affirmative Action for all of those people who are treated unjustly. Just hear me out.

If (as Michael Jackson put it) "it doesn't matter if your black or white" (or Hispanic or Asian or whatever), then it why do we put it on all of our documentations? There are only a few places where I believe it is necessary to declare your race.

1) at the doctors - it is important to know because there are some diseases that are more prevalent in some races than others
2) Birth Certificate - as a form of identification which becomes necessary for my number 1 reason
3) Driver's License - as a form of identification because your race is a part of who you are.

I can't think of any other reasons but that doesn't mean there aren't any other reasons. If we ask for that information if makes it important. We are classifying people based on their looks, not their merits.

If we stop asking for people's race (and sometimes gender), then we people will start believing it doesn't matter. It won't  happen over night, change rarely does.

Right now it matters because of Affirmative Action. But take that away and you have employers looking at applications and resumes and identifying the most qualified individuals. Then you have them interviewing based on merit, not the color of their skin or whether or not they have a Y chromosome.

When we make those distinctions you are discriminating against someone. When I was in high school, I was looking in this huge book of scholarships. I was feeling discouraged because I couldn't find anything for me. When I found a scholarship for tall black girls I knew I wouldn't find anything for me. Where were the scholarships for short white girls?

Yes, there are jerks out there, There are people who won't hire someone because of the color of their skill or lack of a Y chromosome. But you have to admit, today, in 2016, there are less of those jerks than there were in 1966. Just think, what it will be like in 2066 if we look at people based on their merits and not the color of their skin.

What is my race? The human race!

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